November 28, 2009

Oliver is 3 weeks old

We are 3 weeks old this week. We have made a ton of progress. Last Monday our weight was 6 lb and 12 oz and we have been gaining a consistent 1 oz a day and some days 1.5 oz a day. We also keep our eyes open for a couple of hours a day (cumulative) and sometimes more! Ben is really trying to work his neck muscles by trying to lift his head when he is laying on his tummy and he is doing a great job.

November 22, 2009

My grandparents!

My grandparents come to visit me often. I like that! I also got an early Christmas tree! Yippe!

2 weeks old

Here I am! I am two weeks old in these pictures! My mom and dad love to put me in cute outfits and I make lots of sour faces to make outfits even cuter!

November 18, 2009

My super cousin Sasha!

My awesome cousin Sasha! He came to see me in the hospital as soon as I was born! I was happy to meet him! :)

My favorite Grandparents!

I have two sets of great grandparents. They love me and spoil me! They came to see me at the hospital almost every day and called and asked about me lots and lots. I love them already and soon I will get to visit their houses.

November 15, 2009

Ben's 1st Bath

We gave Ben his first "sponge" bath today at home. He did not mind it at all, in fact, he loves to get his hair washed. All of a sudden, his hair lightened up and became really soft....I am sure we took many layers of dirt off his head....
He smelled so good and his skin is softer than ever......Look at he not an Angel?

Welcome Oliver Bennett Foster (Series #1 of Many)

Our little Angel did show up 3 weeks early.

Oliver Bennett Foster was born November 4th at 5:56 PM (on a Wednesday)
He was born at Presbyterian Hospital of Rockwall.

Little Oliver was 6 pounds and 6 ounces and whopping 19.75 inches long.

We had a little bit of a rough start, as Oliver spend almost 9 days in NICU getting help for his breathing problems but not to worry, we are home now, we are in a routine and doing GREAT!

Oliver is a great eater! He is also a great baby to be around, very quiet, gentle and loving!

Check out for your self. More pictures to come soon!

Olga & David Foster