July 31, 2007

My Helper!

Who can I count on for help when David's gone? Why it's my cat Elvis!
I had a bit of a mail merge project to take home tonight..it was only a 100
piece mail merge with 6 sheet insert...but by your 50th envelope, you get a bit tired.....but my helper came to the rescue! He particularly liked batting his
paws around and he does not like the stapler much! Overall, I give him an A+ for
an attempt!

Another Uneventful Night

Well Well Well...what can one say when they did not get enough sleep?
Yep that is me...7 hours did not do the trick...my body is still so tired..I am sure a lot of it has to do with the weather...this very rotten weather.

Dave is still in Austin. He took his test #1 out of 3 but it will be a month to find out if he even passed the first one...if he fails any one of these, he will need to retake the class..Sadly, several troopers from Dave's station have failed this training and exams and so obviously it is not an easy exam...Please pray for Dave!

I accidentaly locked Elvis in the master bath last night and I paid the price of that this morning...The toilet paper was all over the bathroom, bathtub, shower, counters and the closet...yes...he had fun last night at my expense! Beans, however, was a good girl, she slept on my chest majority of the night and then relocated herself to the top of my head! :)

I went to the gym last night where i was punched by a kid...I won't go into that but let's just say there is a red ring/bruise on my left cheek bone! That darn kid!

Well, stay out of trouble,
Love you all,

July 29, 2007

birthday gift!

I just wanted to thank everyone for the money that you all gave me for my birthday! I thought that I would post some pictures of what I put the money towards. The revolver is the gun that I bought to wear on my ankle while I am at work. The other gun I purchased by trading in another gun I already had and used some of my birthday money to cover the rest. That gun I will use when I work off duty jobs. I also included a picture of the holster that I bought to wear on my ankle so that everyone can see what that looks like too! Thank you all again for gifts/money on my birthday!

David :)

Wow, a busy weekend but fabulous!

What happens when you have a fish fry, hush puppies, it is summer and you have fireworks? You probably guessed 4th of July! Wrong! It is Sharla & John's wedding shower...That is right! Fireworks.

We had a shower for John & Sharla in Sulphur Springs and it was great...Games, fishing, food, fireworks and ofcourse cake and ice cream...It turned out really well and I even got to meet some great folks I've heard so much about but never met...

Here are a few pics from Sat...However, they are not party pics, they are Pre-party pics.

Just for clarification...pictures are of Dave's family, Granny's pear tree, Dave at Wendy's drive through, Dave preparing for the fishing tournament/fishing...


July 26, 2007

Howdy Howdy!

For those of you who have not heard from me in a while....just wanted to say, I am OK and alive! :)

It has been a crazy week.
I will start off with Allergies............Yep, allergies...No medicine is working...
Then, work has been so crazy I don't even know where to begin...Although in this line of business, this is great news! But combination of allergies and working long hours is not good! But, Friday is only a day away!

Dave will be coming home tomorrow night, which I am super excited! This week has felt like forever...How in the world did I survive the 6 months that he was gone?

Beans had been mad at me for a week now b/c I have not been able to give her the attention she needs (it's hard to do that when you are not home)She's been lashing out on me by peeing on the hardwood floors.....same spot.....over and over.....

Elvis is determined to keep me up all night...He sleeps all day, and wants to play at night...typical cat...
Every night since Monday I've been having to get up in the middle of the night and lock him up..He either runs up and down the house all night, plays with plastic bags, knocking the plants out of their pots or breaking their leaves or simply screaming bloody murder.......Dave! come back, it's time to put this circus to rest!

Other than that, all is well! :)


July 24, 2007


If you want to read the little that there is, click this link!

July 23, 2007

So, I was very busy looking for the cat in the mother - in - law suite and I almsot had a heart attack...
Dave thought he would hang his animals before he left...........without telling me...........I hope you guys get the point...I almost had a heart attack, I was seriously scared by the surprise! The animals look great on the wall, but like I mentioned, I need to go and lay down!


July 22, 2007

WELL....Dave has left... Billy picked him up at 4:30! :(

I am staying busy with house cleaning and TV watching right now! Beans and I are having a good time, just the two of us girls....Oh yes, the three of us really...
Mimi, Laura's cat is here too, but she is hiding right now!

I went to my mom's house today and brought back an arm chair from their house! It is blue with brown flower designs on it, we have not decided as to where we are going to put it, but for now it is going to reside in the office.

Their house progress is really coming along...the wood floors are looking good although there is still much work to do...They are hoping to be done in a couple of months....

It does not help that my dad has got way too much work to do with his jobs...Apparently he's got giant orders to fulfill and he is not able to give much time to the remodeling...but...he has been doing well in finding a good balance!

We went and saw "I know pronounce you Chuck & Larry" and it was good. It is an Adam Sandler movie and although it was very funny, it is not the usual Adam Sandler humor...The movie was a blast with a few twists...Many very funny parts! So, if you are an Adam Sandler lover, you should check it out...It is worth a try!


July 20, 2007

Hello Everyone! I hope everyone's Friday has been fabulous!

Not many news are happening here! I am at work and today has been extremely stressful. My clients are literally eating me for lunch today! But....there is light at the end of the tunnell. I have overcome all my problems today and everything is now OK. But I do have a parting gift from my clients....a headache!

Tomorrow is my moms garage sale! she is going to try and sell her furniture! Her house is starting to look really great...Check out my sisters blog, she has many neat pictures there...My dad has done a terrific job laying down hardwood floors by himself, and my mom has been his helper. David and I are getting their large blue recliner since it would not match their decor anymore! I think we are going to put it in our bedroom..

Dave leaves Sunday to Austin. I am sad b/c he is leaving and I will be lonely but I am exciting because this knowledge is very important to his career...I am also glad that he is already packed...I felt a bit OCD last Sunday and packed him just in case my week got busy...and guess what....it got busy but not to worry! He is packed and ready to go!

Beans is doing well! She is on a diet right now! The kind where we do not feed her table scarps....will I be able to keep from feeding her table scraps? I don't know but I am trying...Everytime I feel compelled to give her something, I give her a carrott instead.

Elvis has got this new thing where he likes to go out into the garage at night and stay there. In the morning, when we let him in, he screams bloody murder ( I know he is probably cursing me) but I try to get that fat tub of lard in the house before I got to bed but he refuses! :)

Mimi, my friend Laura's cat, is coming for a week visit on Sunday...I hope Mimi gets along with Elvis..She already loves beans but elvis might be a separate story..I am sure the 4 of us will have a great week together...

That is all folks
Love you all


July 19, 2007

Check out this video: The Simpsons Movie - Spider Pig

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Wow, I wish it was Friday!

Well, our neighbor across the street has officially left, all but 2 big green dumpsters left in the front of her house! They were scattered across the street and Dave went to pick them up (it was trash day)....that made me feel sad...I will miss Martha!

Dave is getting ready for his 2 week trip to Austin...but he will come home on the weekend because we have a fabulous party planned for our friends Sharla and John in Sulphur springs, Mary Lou and David's Grannny are Boss Ladies in Charge!

Some exciting news! We are getting a hospital/emergency room in Forney, Hwy 80 and FM548...Yep, it is exciting...since now we don't have to go to Mesquite... I think it's called CareUnited!

Anyway, Friday David and I are going to the movies to see "I now pronounce you chuck & larry"...We are also going to see, possibly saturday, "the simpson's movie" but Dave does not know about that yet, he will when he reads this! I want to see it because my favorite song is in that movie, about a Spider Pig!
Here is the preview of my song...

"Spider Pig, Spider Pig, does whatever a Spider Pig do!"....See, now you can look forward to the Simpsons movie!


July 18, 2007


This is my co-workers new doggie! It is a 4 month Yorkshire Terrier.
Her name is Kismet and she weights 1 lb.

How cute!

(The picture is from Beanies 3rd B-day Party!

Oldies vs. Country

This morning I have come to a conclusion that oldies are not that different from country music....Everyone always says how country music only focuses on one thing....misery! Problems with girlfriends, dogs, cats, life, trucks and etc....

Well, as a proud owner of sirius radio in my car, I have access to multiple oldies stations...I have been listening to oldies for the last month paying attention to the words and I have come to a realization that they are the same...Both oldies and country music focus on misery...my baby left me......she is cheating on me/or he......i am leaving you and so on! Ofcourse, both have exceptions but the general statement is true! So, there's my nugget of info from me to you! :)

July 16, 2007

(Hey Laura, I came across this today, I love this picture! So I posted it!) HeHe!
Howdy Everyone! Hope everyone is having a great monday!

Today has been a fast paced day..I am still catching up from being out last week. Which makes me not look forward to coming back to work once i take my 8 day long vacation! YUK!

I try not to make any plans for monday nights because mondays are always mysterious and my plans never stick...However, today i am going to make sure that our 'office' work is done!

Hang up rug on wall
Take out old furniture from the office
Decide and purchase curtains.....for my window.....did i mention it is another 95 inch window? I hate those!

Other than that! We are just going to have dinner and vegge out the remainder of the night! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Last night, around 11:10pm, all power got knocked out in Forney...Fun! I am getting slightly tired of this since these outages have literally been monthly occurances. :(

July 15, 2007


Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and got to relax a bit. I sure did, even though I worked a lot this weekend... Dave and I pretty much were care free, except now I am paying for it....I decided, after I wrote my previous blog, that I was skipping all my house chores...That was a mistake!

I came home thinking I was going to vacuum and instead I am watching TV...Bad, bad Olga!

I am slightly sad because one of my neighbors (directly across the street) is moving out! She started to move out on Sat morning and they are taking their last load right now...She (a single mom) can no longer afford the house on her own...Off to an apt she goes...! I am glad she is in high spirits even though this is not a good situation to be in...It opened up my eyes a bit and puts my life back into perspective and grounds me (or at least helps me stay grounded)...They say that it is always better to learn on other peoples mistakes....I agree!

July 14, 2007

A Lazy Day! Yep, I sure like those....I came back from work at 1pm and intend for today to be a lazy day...that is not to say that I will completely avoid my house chores...but at least I will do them at my convenience and when I feel like it...

I have very little news for you guys!

Today Hansen Brick Co. came by the house to ask our blessing...They wanted to take pictures of our house so they could include it in their promotional materials and their sales catalogs...We are excited about that since it is a big honor to us...
I have to call them sometime next week to set up a time for this photo shoot! Not only it is an honor to us but it has some kick backs in addition...We get a bit of bragging rights, a financial kick back and professional photos done of our house that we get to keep!

I think that is it!

I need to go buy some groceries...I am sure Dave will appreciate that!

Enjoy the sunshine, love you all
Olga Foster

July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th!

How can Friday the 13th not go unnoted or uneventful? Is that even possible?
No, I don't think so...I am pretty supersticious and for good reasons...

Dave was dressed for work and had approx 5min to eat his dinner...But does he?
We heard a loud 'BANG!' as if it was in our own backyard...

Olga: "Dave, what was that?"
David: "Sounded like a dumpster truck?"
Olga: "Really, it's not Thursday?"

Dave walks to the backyard to only find out it was a car wreck..Needless to say, as a rubber necker, I found it interesting to watch the wreck from atop my picnic table...Dave went to assist the wreck! Which by the way was not pretty...The child got flown to Baylor and ofcourse the car is completely totaled....The other truck was also banged up in 2 places....

I stayed atop that picnic for approx 20 min until the wrecker came and the helicopter arrived to take the child (by the way who is our neigbhor) to the hospital.

I found it interesting that the helicopter used the street behind my fence as a launch pad....

Yes people, here is a pic, and yes, that is my tree and my fence...and that is a real helicopter and yes it was loud and smelled like gasoline until it left.

It's nice that Dave found out that the child was going to be OK.. Whew!

Normally, I don't mind working out of the office, my days usually carry on as normal as long as I have my cell phone and laptop...This time this was different...My wireless refused to work for the past week and I was helpless....which made me realize how much email means to my business and my customer service!

I came back to work today to about 200 emails....I've been regularly checking my emails when I came home from training but not answering all, but did answer what I could.....I am finding myself trying to catch up to something that almost seems impossible....However, I know there always is light at the end of the tunnel and I will continue to look for that light switch!

On a better note, a much brighter one! I did great at my training....It was certainly worth the time...I grew not only as an individual but as a professional!
I realized last night of how much of this training I can apply to life and daily communication....I realized what mistakes I make in my communication with friends and family and why sometimes it is difficult.....I also figured out a few ways to fix it....I shall begin practicing shortly!

Anyway, I came out of my training $75 richer...I won a Best Buy card...how cool!

I am looking forward to this weekend and resting some! I hope everyone takes some time off and enjoys this sunny weather....who knows, it might not be here tomorrow!


July 11, 2007

Wow, can it get any busier at all?

Since the beginning of the week, I have been spending my work and non work hours in Irving training with the best of the best in sales (specifically high end technology). Cisco systems has created an amazing programs called Sales Masters to train their Premier and Gold Partners how to best battle sales objections....yes, you probably thinking, "Well...it can't be that hard! Right?"

I have been in sales for 3 years (that is not too long of a time) however it is long enought to understand that I do not sell boxes, I sell solutions! I sell telephone systems that interact with your main databases and literally 'become alive' at a touch of the button....these are voip systems with third party programming....that is not to say that i only sell phone systems....very untrue....i sell everything has to to do with your network or your voice....i am your firewall, router, switch, server, audit and voice girl! :)

To make the story short, I've been interrogated and recorded (several times a day) by my team members and my live presentations with a real CEO. My tapes have been watched, dissected and critiqued (constructively)...Not only has this been very nervous few days but also intense b/c my focus as a sales manager is not to push boxes, but to become and advisor to a company and sell complete solutions...

We let loose a bit last night when Cisco Systems picked up our meal and bar tab at Three Forks (fabulous steakhouse). I had grilled salmon with jack daniels sauce and some great wine....I came home to only crash in my bed.....

As a professional, I have certainly grown in a way I did not expect to...This training is amazing...Truly....

It is definately worth the $8500 that they charge for it...Ofcourse, my kind boss picked up the tab!

Well, i better go pay some bills since those don't pay themselves!

Love you all

July 09, 2007


We got the desk today! Here is the picture!
I hope you like it!

Our Vacation....Yet so near, yet so far! 73 more days to go!

As I am getting excited about our vacation in september, I thought I would share with everyone as to where we are going on our vacation.
Since we will be in Half Moon Cay, Bahamas on our 1st anniversary, we plan to do something super romantic...not sure what yet!
But here is the map!

1 Miami, FL 4:00pm View Shore Excursions

2 Half Moon Cay, Bahamas 9:00am 4:00pm View Shore Excursions

3 Fun Day At Sea

4 St. Thomas, USVI 8:00am 6:00pm View Shore Excursions

5 San Juan, Puerto Rico 7:00am 3:30pm View Shore Excursions

6 Grand Turk 11:00am 5:30pm View Shore Excursions

7 Fun Day At Sea

8 Miami, FL 8:00am View Shore Excursions

July 08, 2007

Sunday was busy! Great but busy!

We went to Red Lobster for lunch today! It was great (courtesy of one of dave's b-day gifts) and then we dashed over to my grandmothers to see her for a few minutes and to drop off a few things for her! so we thought this was going to be a short trip....we were wrong.....We sat in traffic on 635 for about an hour and maybe a bit more...finally we got home after 3pm...then Dave went to work at 4....

I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house, vacuuming the couch for pet hairs, bathing the dog and etc etc etc....

On a lighter and more exciting note....My parents have purchased new furniture for their living and bedrooms..How exciting! Although I have not seen it, I am sure they picked out some terrific furniture! Speaking of furniture, our desk will be arriving tomorrow....and the office is not ready for its new addition...I guess I will just need to work on that tomorrow!

It is time to quit for the day, Good night all!

July 07, 2007

Happy 7-7-07 Everyone!

Friday was busy as always...Friday nights are usually filled with laundry and ironing! Saturday mornings are filled with gym hours....the usual...

I plan to do very little today. Some cleaning can not be escaped but it is minimal. I plan to sort through the office today and get it ready for the arrival of our desk on Monday.

Other than that, I will be doing a whole lot of nothing... I hope every one has a LUCKY SATURDAY! Go get a lottery ticket or something!
love you all

July 06, 2007


YES EVERYONE, I am super excited. My desk from Ashleys will be here monday and it is one week early! Everyone knows how much I do not like Ashleys Furniture but now they have officially moved up a notch in my book....TO NOTCH #1! I am just kidding!

I bought some decorations for it yesterday...I am going to stay with a brown/maroon/horse design around the desk. All of the bookstops that I purchased are horse shaped! Really neat! Pictures to come later! I know, I still owe you guys the bathroom pictures. :(

Also, I was very productive at lunch and I have finished and printed out all the invites for my friend John & Sharla's shower...I thought I was going to run into a problem with the invites but the printer cooperated and all was well...Maybe it's because I threatened the printer's life a few times in the process! Not sure!

On a sad note...I am trying to figure out what is going on with my hibiscus tree. The leaves are turning yellow daily and the tree is beginning to thin. I spend numerous hours on line researching but the research on these finniky trees is limited...all i could find is that I am either overwatering or underwatering...Oh Lord...I am watering it exactly as the instructions stated and it is getting adequate lighting......So in hopes of miracles, I put it out in the backyard, maybe the birds can knock some sense into that tree!

Well, I need to clean my desk, so happy Friday everyone!

July 05, 2007

San Francisco Giants

Well well well...
I knew it paid off to have an extra job. I have met 2 new and becoming sports celebrities....
One is with San Francisco Giants - Chance Corgan

The other is Jordan Case, I believe he is a football player...

Anyway, I just wanted to share this with people!
Love you all

A Fabulous Day!

Even though my day began super early (6:00am, so much for sleeping in) it was fantastic...

I made my early run to the store at 6:20 to get David some gatorade for his 2 jobs that he worked yesterday (Hurrican Harbor and Firewheel Fireworks in Garland) and then came home to make cinnamon rolls for some of the troopers that were coming by the house before work...

Then I dashed to Allen to see my sister/brother in law and the baby....Speaking of baby, I could not resist so here is another picture! The baby is so funny, he smiles like an Angel....No to mention, I swear that he said Mama yesterday....I know that he does not know what he is saying but it was special even though it was in baby mumbles.....

I left my sisters and went over to my friend Monyka's house (Monyka #1, for those of you who know the difference)....Ahhhhh......pizza on 4th of July......what more can a girl ask for? We were going to go to a steak house but Mexico was playing Chili(football for us foreigners and soccer for all the rest) and we had to get our priorities straight so we just stayed at home........

Then came time for fireworks...What an event...We went to Firewheel Mall in Garland to watch the festivities and what festivities they were! :) SheDaisy was there performing live, the fireworks (were late) but nonetheless they were GRRRRRREAT! Much thought and funds went into those and I appreciated that....Those definately do not even compare to City of Forney's fireworks....Dave worked traffic control so I got to see him a couple of times....Of course the parking situations and get of out parking situation was not as smooth as the event however, it is nothing to dwell over! I got home around midnight and crashed!

Needless to say my day was great and I hope everyone had a great 4th! Ahhhhhh....and now I must get back to reality and work!

Laters People!
Olga Foster

July 03, 2007

A busy schedule

We had an uneventful evening last night...We particularly like those!

David goes back on night schedule today for the next two week and I guess

I will just need to use that time wisely instead of sulking...There is a list of things that I would like to get done while Dave is not home during the evenings.

I am going to start and put the office together...The desk is just the last piece and it is going to arrive sometime in the next 10 days...I will be shopping for knick knacks to place in the desk...to purrrrrtify it a bit....

I would like to also clean all the baseboards in the house, as it is time...I figured that if I take care of those types of chores as they come up during the year, I won't have to do that "spring cleaning' jazz.

Our garage could use a cleaning and sorting since our bathroom project pretty much cluttered it to the top...Also, I need to find a buyer for our vanity and the sink and our old desk...so I will be putting something in the local paper or thrifty nickel and try to get rid of it. I think that will pretty much keep me busy for a while.

Tomorrow I will go and see my nephew...I will first sleep in a bit, which will probably be until 7:30 or 8:00 (yes people, 7:30 is considered sleeping in in the Foster household) and the off I go to Allen, probably to a friends house for dinner and then off to the fireworks.....
(The pictures is my nephew Sasha and his little friend Megan, I think she is trying to eat him like a Tootsie Pop)

Love you all
Stay out of trouble and the rain!

July 02, 2007

Just an update!

The fireworks last night were fabulous! considering the fact that Forney is such a tiny town, they did go all out....

I was however frusturated with my own neighbors who were shooting fireworks out of their backyards....now, don't get me wrong....It is one thing when you do that and you don't have neighbors but when the next door neighbor is 10 feet away, is a whole another story...As a homeowner, you tend to worry about things like that!

Aside from that, Dave and I bought a new desk for our new/nonexistent office. We purchased it from Ashleys b/c we had some credit at the store that needed to be used up...Once again, never fails, we had problems with Ashleys and this will probably the last piece of furniture we ever purchase from them...The bad thing is, Ashleys really fits our taste....Bummer!

Tonight we are going to enjoy a quiet evening at home...

Have a blessed day everyone!

July 01, 2007

A Sunday and early fireworks

It has been a rather uneventful weekend and that is how we like it.
Dave is off, it is his long weekend, it is nice to be able to be with him and not have to think about how much time do I have with him before he goes to work...

Yesterday we spent the time cleaning the house. I made sure this week that we had no neglected bedrooms or bathrooms. I even made an effort and bleached and scrubbed cat's litter box...:)

My parents came over for a short visit on Saturday night and we had a nice dinner outside....pizza always saves the day!

Sunday we got up a little early and washed both cars....The jetta got particular attention since it is was really the first time we 'washed' the car since we bought it....It looks brand new!

Tonight we are going to watch the fireworks in my backyard...We did not realize that we received an extra perk when we purchased a house in the stix.....the fireworks usually occur in an area not heavily populated.....what does that mean? that means I will be sitting on my hammock chair tonight drinking me a little something and watching my fireworks from the privacy of my own house! And that my friends is how I like it! My parents will be joining us for the fun!