July 19, 2007

Wow, I wish it was Friday!

Well, our neighbor across the street has officially left, all but 2 big green dumpsters left in the front of her house! They were scattered across the street and Dave went to pick them up (it was trash day)....that made me feel sad...I will miss Martha!

Dave is getting ready for his 2 week trip to Austin...but he will come home on the weekend because we have a fabulous party planned for our friends Sharla and John in Sulphur springs, Mary Lou and David's Grannny are Boss Ladies in Charge!

Some exciting news! We are getting a hospital/emergency room in Forney, Hwy 80 and FM548...Yep, it is exciting...since now we don't have to go to Mesquite... I think it's called CareUnited!

Anyway, Friday David and I are going to the movies to see "I now pronounce you chuck & larry"...We are also going to see, possibly saturday, "the simpson's movie" but Dave does not know about that yet, he will when he reads this! I want to see it because my favorite song is in that movie, about a Spider Pig!
Here is the preview of my song...

"Spider Pig, Spider Pig, does whatever a Spider Pig do!"....See, now you can look forward to the Simpsons movie!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you have taken leave of your senses. 'Singing' on your blog would qualify. I saw the ad for that movie and I thought about you!
I think you should go see 'Transformers'. David had a bunch of those when he was a little boy. I think it's a pretty good movie with a story line, at least.
Later, Mary Lou