August 15, 2007

I thought I was going to rest!

Nope, not today...My plans was to go home and relax and then mop my floors but that did not work out...I was asked to come in tonight instead of tomorrow so I did...In a way it worked out well since Dave was gone fishing and I wasn't going to see him anyway...But you know how when you have your heart set on going home & falling on those couch cushions and not getting up and then they go and shatter my *DREAM*! :(

Anyway, to make this lousy story short is that the weekend is approaching quickly. I am excited! I know we are going to go and visit Billy & AlAnna in Terrell to play water volleyball and I am going to clean my house and my kitchen rug could use a carpet cleaner's pretty much screaming for it! :)

Work has been busy, business has been excellent, what else can you ask for? Nothing at all! Our vacation is coming up...I am starting the count down for real now...I have a month, and I will be loading that boat and saying BonVoage! :) Dave can use a vacation too, he's worked really hard this year and has achieved so much, I need to reward the boy! :)

Well, that's all! Have a good night everyone! Stay out of Trouble!



you guys have really earned that vacation
I love you both

Anonymous said...

I love rainbow pictures. I think I ended up deleting the one I had on my digital. I have one from the other night but David's eyes are weird. I'll send it on an email. I wasn't planning on ending up in jail. :)