August 23, 2007

Not Much!

Well, not much is happening right now! David and I had a quiet evening at home. We watched TV, played UNO, piddled on the Internet and went to bed!

The dog and the cat got their manicures and pedicures done last night couresy of the Olga Foster Beauty Boutique... :)
Beans was good when I trimmed her nails and Elvis put up a fight so Dave held him down and I trimmed...All escaped un-injured! Elvis even got a 'brushing'....

Right now Dave and I are planning a mini-vacation to the Grand Canyon..Either in November or December. I would like to go there and see it in an unusual way...covered in snow!
In fact, we are thinking about going to the South Rim and take a mule ride down to the Colorado River (it's an all day thing) then you stay in this awesome lodge where they feed you steak and wine and then in the morning you make your journey back up to the top of the Rim...Yes it is cold but you've got to remember that when you are in the bottom of the canyon, there is no wind so even 30F does not feel like 30F.

So, that's the plan anyway for now...Things may change between now and then...Right now we are focusing on our trip to the Carribean which is 28 days away. Very exciting.

My sister in law is going to Hawaii in a week or so and I think she is just going to love it...Such an experience...Such beauty!

Well, I need to go and visit a couple of clients....I am outie!


Laura said...

Let the countdown begin!!!! :0)


you are such a traveler!