September 02, 2007

Hmmmm....Decisions Decisions!

There is an ice cream truck outside my door right now but I don't have any change, so I will continue to salivate as I write my blog...Oh good, he guy finally pulled away...

This weekend has been busy but good. I truly got to relax. Friday night I was busy as always. I began claning the house, do laundry, iron and grocery shop...Which I completed all my tasks...

Saturday morning I worked but came home to eat lunch with Dave and send him off to work...I then continued to do a bit more cleaning....Then I went to bed...

Sunday has pretty much been lazy...I got a bit more cleaning to do but that can wait as I do not work on Monday...Today I took the time to be with David and my pets...I really miss laying under the covers with Beans and Elvis (Yes I know I do that at nigth too but it's different when you are actually awake and can actually enjoy that)

Dave is off at work catching the watch out! Super Trooper is out and about it and they got their mean faces on as it is a holiday weekend!

Other than that not much is on! Dave finished registering us today with Carnival (all the legal mambo-jambo-passport-stuff) and we are good to go! for our anniversary we decided to give each other regular wedding bands which is highly needed!

That's it!
Hope everyone has a safe weekend and holiday. Please don't drink & drive!


Laura said... cream! :0)
Hope you're having a great weekend!


mama said she wants to make pel'meni next Sunday for us at my place. Can you come?