(Here's a memory! Beanies 3rd B-day party) See if you can find yourself in the picture?
Yep, I mean it!
Yesterday we had a nice visit with the family. We met up in Greenville at Chilies to celebrate my sister in laws birthday...Then we went home to sleep! But the addicts that we are, we did not go straight to bed, first we played online games and then off to be we went.
Today is Friday and friday nights are typically the same in the Foster household. Laundry, house chores, yard work and grocery shopping. Sat I have a shift at the gym, and then my mom and granny are coming over to make raviolis....It's been a while and I have officially run out of raviolis.....
Sunday I am going to make a sincere attempt to clean out junk drawers in the house and do some major resting! :) Then I will go to my sisters house to visit with her and also to visit my Grandmother because it will be her birthday on Sunday!
I think that is all the update I got! Sometimes, no news is good news!
Love you all,
Olga & Dave
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