Our friends Monyka and Ryan are coming this weekend from Waco to visit us, I am excited. I haven't seen Monyka since Dallas Pumpkin Festival.
On a sadder note...Please keep my grandma in your prayers since she's been sick since last Sunday. She does not have a fever but is very weak and has little appetite along with a side order of sniffles and high blood pressure. Her voice is very small and shaky! :( My mother has been visiting her every day and my sister and I've been calling her 10 times a day checking up on her....
I think that is all the news I got.....
Enjoy the picture, this is me and Finis I think our Junior year in College during Homecoming!

Grandma is doing better, she is at my house now.
How is Monyka?
I am working on my xmas cards, so you may get one soon :-)
oh and she likes her blood pressure monitor, actually it is a better one that you got. I showed her how to use it ( about 3-4 times), she got it now.
Have a wonderful Monday and I will have you in my heart all morning, then call me later on.
I sent few pics of couple of improvements in my new house via e-mail
Здравствуй, Оленька!
Надеюсь, что тебе будет легче понять моё письмо, чем мне твой английский.
И всё-таки, я тебя поняла. Очень рада твоим успехам и тронута твоей заботой о бабушке. Ты - замечательная.
Желаю тебе всего самого хорошего. С Рождеством тебя и твоего очень симпатичного мужа. Happy XMAS/
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