Saturday morning, our new neighbors graced us with their presence by coming over for lunch. We had a good time and Dave made some kick-ass porkchops...Yum Yum! After that, there were many household chores to be done.
Sunday morning we woke up to a very sick puppy. Diarrhea mostly, then came the barfies and then came the dehydrated puppy, and then came a weak puppy and right about the time I start to SERIOUSLY panic, he gets better. He is really weak and you can tell but at least he started drinking water and nibbling on his cookies. Let's just say that I am pretty worn out from taking care of a very sick puppy. I've gone through that with Beans once, so at least I kind of already knew what to expect and how long it takes before I can wear a clean tshirt for more than 1 hr. :)
I think we are alright now...
Friday night was also good. We went to a baseball game with Monica and her family, Rangers vs. Astros...ofcourse we won! Here is a couple of pictures...notice the progres of the new Dallas Cowboys stadium.

I am glag everything is going well.
See you tomorrow...
you took very good pictures.
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