What a weekend…A Busy but a great one!
So, Friday night we went to the movies with Monica. We saw Baby Mama! Which by the way, is very funny if you just want to relax and laugh…..
Came home and really just went to bed, I was still jet legged and tired from the Houston trip.
Saturday was a bit more exciting. We went and got Dave his own Blackberry! BTW, he does have a new number but I will let him share that with people.
But, we also went to a birthday party in Mineola. The party was for Steven’s youngest boy (Steven-StateTrooper) so we drove out there to check our their
Cabin and the lake, which by the way is way fabulous!
They have an awesome lake, ton of blackberry bushes, grass, trees and the whole 9 yards. Dave and I fished, shot guns, drove around in a 4 wheeler, had a fried fish cook-out and just partied.
Saturday was also a sad day for all of us living the State Trooper life……one of the State Trooper was buried on Sat not too far away from Mineola (he died on the job, which I really don’t want to get into….
If you watch the news, you know all about it) so we celebrated his life as we ate. These types of days just makes me want to hang on to Dave a bit tighter, a bit longer….I take events like these very personal….as you can imagine!
Sunday we went to Canton….Big Surprise! We got another puppy! Miniature Pinscher (MinPin). He is 6 weeks old, very playful and Monica named him Rusty. I will take more pictures tonight and will post more.
Just wanted to post a quick update
awww....MinPins are sooooo cute and such sweet dogs. My friend Steffi has three of them named Lucy, Big Man and Bevo...they are so sweet! Can't wait to meet Rusty! :D
He's so cute!!!
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