Very sorry to all for not writing so long! It has been busy and hectic and the last 10 days just flew by with out any warning.
Where do I begin? Well, I will leave Dave’s party off for another blog since there are pictures involved. Last week, Dave and I spent some
time cleaning the house and getting the house Party-Worth and Party-Ready. That took a while.
Last week was a short week but stressful because it was our quarter end at work which means crunch time. Overall we did well.
However, with 4th of July and it being a short week, I feel like I did not get a whole lot done. I know I did but the 3 day weekend had me thrown off.
I stayed home on Thursday and worked from home. Dave and I went and had sushi for lunch in Mesquite at Kaze. Great sushi there. We had tuna, salmon and spicy salmon.
Ofcourse a few California rolls as well. Then we went to Old Navy and picked up a few tshirts for David b/c all of his tshirts are either old or have spots all over them that are forever stuck on the shirt.
Friday we spent the majority of the day lounging around the house and then Dave went to work the fireworks at Firewheel mall in Garland….YUK!
I, on the other hand went to Monica’s to celebrate 4th of July there. Since she lives outside the city limits, they are allowed to shoot their own so we watched all her neighbors shoot the fireworks while we enjoyed.
2 lawn chairs and 2 drinks were a requirement.
Then Saturday I came to help Monica paint her bathroom and bedroom…Sunday was Canton! Yippe!
I think you are all caught up now!