I will post a different blog about a different island every day so stay tuned and come back tomorrow.
Jamaica was fabulous. It took us approximately 2 hours to get to these dolphins each way but as you can see, it was every minute well spent with no regrets.
This was our first encounter with dolphins and we had a chance to meet this wonderful dolphin Calypso who is 6 years old. It's a girl dolphin and she loved to give out kisses.
OH MY GOSH! :D These pictures are amazing! Girl, you should be a photographer or something. I love it! So, glad to see you guys had a blast!
I agree - neat pictures! Looks like fun! I'm proud you survived Dolly. :)
Great pictures! Looks like you guys had fun!
WOW great photos amazing stuff
I am jealous
come by and see us soon
oh click on Katrin on my blog and you will find Katerina Borodihina's page
great !
Да, уж после таких дельфинчиков и в свои горы не захочешь:)))))
Классно, вот Оля экстримальщица, наверное очень страшно! (на парашюте-то)
Вот умница, Класс!!!!! Я Тоже так хочу!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Все Оли любят дельфинов. Наша, Сашина дочка, тоже. Посмотри. Оля у меня, как моя внучка Оля на них катается.
Вот вы все убедитесь, я скоро тоже полечу на парашуте ! я не шучу !
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