I leave David home for one day and he re-sands the picnic table, re-stains, re-laquers it......Like that's not enough, he runs electricity from one place to another and hooks up flood lights in the back yard. I just wanted to brag on David and give him his 5 minutes of fame...I am impressed! I did not even have to ask!
BTW, I found this picture the other day, this was our Golden Leo Picture from our Senior year in college. David is in the back row, (second), Olga second row last. Enjoy.
wow David! Awesome job! You look hot in blue, you know.
Why do people always choose that shade of blue for the pix?
I mean don't all family/group pix have people in the same shirts in them? Its a conspiracy as far I am concerned.
someone is reading your blog from China, awesome blossom
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