June 22, 2009

Pike Fish Market

Pike Place Market is an amazing market at one of the Piers in Seattle. Lucky for us it was on the Pier where our NCL ship left us which made it very easy to visit. What did we see? Trained Cats, Whole Octopus, Flying fish, Russian piroshki, cheese manufacturing, alot of salmon, elephant garlic (see picture below), pirates, a stuffed pig, crawfish trying to get away from the salesman and much much much more creepy and fun stuff.

Do you want to see a team of sales guys sell fish to the customers, then throw the fish around before packing it away?
Well then visit this site http://www.pikeplacefish.com/webcam.html

The very first and the very original Starbucks in the world. That's Dave make an intelligent conversation with a Hobo! :)

1 comment:


wow pretty amazing
did you try some fish?