Howdy All!
Well, we have survived the weekend! The weekend has been busy but fun at the same time.
Besides the fact that I got to sleep in a little bit on Sunday, we also got to see some friends that we have not seen in a little bit. Monyka & Ryan came to visit last night and we had a lovely dinner....and they even baked pop-overs....Yep, it is hard to believe that my married, little Monyka is a cook, but i got proof...
We decided to go old-school and we pulled out the Old Nintendo and Super Nintendo and pretty much consumed the rest of the night playing Mario Bros. and MarioCart....
For those who are not familiar with that game, it is super fun! Me, being a sore loser that I am, I played very well last night and did not even have to go into time-out or shed any tears...I beat Monyka, but my behind got whooped by Ryan and his terrific MarioCart Skills.....
Very good !
We kicked yo azzz!! and we had lots of fun!
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