Hello Everyone!
Hope everyone is doing well...
We are having a good weekend, trying to catch up on sleep, get over a stomach virus,
working on the bathroom project and trying to keep up with side jobs...the usual...
However, we have hired some help with the bathroom project (a Plumber) and a computer helper to
ease our lives....I have taken a few pictures of him while he was hard at work... :) Please see very top!
Since I did not do anything I wanted to do on Friday (except for laundry) I am going to do that tonight...again, while dave is gone to work so he won't be able to mess up the cleaned areas... :)
On another note, I just wanted to make it public that I can not wait until Chick-Fil-A opens in Forney....they are so close....I can almost smell and reach their food but....it looks like it may be a couple more weeks of torture...
Have a wonderful evening everyone!
Love you all
Dave & Olga
LOL, you're too funny! He's so cute!
Hope all is well with ya'll!
Super !!!!
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