July 29, 2007

Wow, a busy weekend but fabulous!

What happens when you have a fish fry, hush puppies, it is summer and you have fireworks? You probably guessed 4th of July! Wrong! It is Sharla & John's wedding shower...That is right! Fireworks.

We had a shower for John & Sharla in Sulphur Springs and it was great...Games, fishing, food, fireworks and ofcourse cake and ice cream...It turned out really well and I even got to meet some great folks I've heard so much about but never met...

Here are a few pics from Sat...However, they are not party pics, they are Pre-party pics.

Just for clarification...pictures are of Dave's family, Granny's pear tree, Dave at Wendy's drive through, Dave preparing for the fishing tournament/fishing...
